The My eQuals platform enables Australian and New Zealand students and graduates to access digital versions of transcripts and academic documents and share them with employers, universities or other parties.
The My Equals platform will also allow universities to confirm the digital qualifications of students from China, Europe and America seeking admission to their courses. Overseas institutions can view the digital documents of Australian and New Zealand students applying for entry shared with them by the student/graduate.
The My eQuals initiative is being managed by Higher Ed Services. Higher Ed Services is a professional services company of Universities Australia, fostering collaboration in Higher Education. As the My eQuals managing organisation, Higher Ed Services worked closely with university partners to develop the digital service and its roll-out across the 45 participating universities across Australia and New Zealand.
My eQuals is currently being implemented in a staged manner across the 45 participating universities. The roll-out commenced in October 2016 and is scheduled to complete in mid-2018.